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Message From National Marine Manufactures Associate

By Freya Olsen

Dear YBAA members,

Freya OlsonIt was a pleasure to speak to the YBAA members at the 2108 YBAA U in both Providence and Annapolis. I wanted to pull together a few resources which can be shared to help YBAA’s members to take advantage of all the resources we make available to the industry. As a reminder, one of the easiest ways to remember the difference between the industry resources and the consumer resources is that the industry is trying to ‘Grow Boating’, while consumers are trying to ‘Discover Boating’. I have attached the presentation I gave and will link to all the videos in the presentation below, along with some tools that I think will be useful for your members to use. 

I hope this helps and please use me as a resource moving forward. 

Best regards,

Freya Olsen
Assistant Director of Discover Boating & Industry Relationships
National Marine Manufactures Associate 


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